Neighbor to Neighbor Solar
No-Cost Solar for Qualifying Households
Please note: There is currently a waiting list for Neighbor to Neighbor Solar. Contact us to verify qualifications and get your name added to the list.
Neighbor to Neighbor Solar launched in 2021 and exists to provide no-cost solar energy systems to income-qualified Buncombe County residents with a focus on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) households. This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act. Installations will be completed by Asheville-based Sugar Hollow Solar.
Click here for more information.
Contact Summer Winkler at [email protected] or 828-222-0314 for questions or inquires.
Neighbor to Neighbor Solar se lanzó en 2021 y existe para proporcionar sistemas de energía solar sin costo a los residentes del condado de Buncombe con ingresos calificados, con un enfoque a los hogares de negros, nativos americanos y personas de color (BIPOC). Este programa está financiado por American Rescue Plan Act. (ARPA) Las instalaciones serán completadas por la empresa, Sugar Hollow Solar de Asheville.
In order to qualify for the Neighbor to Neighbor program, a household must meet the following qualifications:
- Be a homeowner within Buncombe County (Please note: This program is not available for mobile homes at this time. You may qualify for free weatherization through Energy Savers Network.)
- Be served by Duke Energy
- Make below 200% of FPG based on 2022 income and household size complete including taxable and nontaxable income*
- Have a roof 15 years or younger with priority given to roofs 10 years or younger
- Self identify as not having $50,000 in savings including retirement balance
1 person household: $29,160
2 person household: $39,440
3 person household: $49,720
4 person household: $60,000
5 person household: $70,280
6 person household: $80,560
7 person household: $90,840
8 person household: $101,120
*The levels above reflect 2023 Federal Poverty Levels