May 25, 2018 | Posted In: Newsletters
May Events and the Newly Released Energy Upgrade Program
Below are some opportunities to get involved and become a part of the conversation. Help us transition WNC to a clean energy future.
Visit our website to learn more or contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in being involved or have an idea for community engagement that you don’t see planned.

Energy Upgrade Program
The Energy Upgrade Program is a community supported program aimed to identify homes that are eligible to receive free energy upgrades. Weatherization and energy upgrade services available to Buncombe County & City of Asheville residents have the potential to improve the health, comfort, and affordability of renters and homeowners. This program provides enhanced centralized access to existing community weatherization and energy resources.
Income-qualified individuals interested in being considered for free energy upgrades may provide income qualification by having received benefits from any pre-qualifying provider (i.e. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, etc).
However, anyone in Buncombe County can receive free energy advice! Share with any and all Buncombe County and City of Asheville residents that this program can help them identify and prioritize opportunities for energy improvements to their home. Call, text, or email for more information:
Jonathan Gach
Energy Upgrade Manager
Blue Horizons Project
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[email protected]
Thursday, May 17th – Community Engagement meeting
Join us this Thursday at Community Action Opportunities (35 Gaston St.
Asheville) for our next EITF Community Engagement meeting. We will be discussing community events, neighborhoods, and how we can get the word out about this project. All meetings are open to the public! Stay up to date on future meetings by joining the listserv here.
Volunteer Opportunity
The Duke Energy Neighborhood Energy Saver Program offers free walkthrough energy assessments designed to help customers learn how their homes use energy and how they can lower their monthly electric bills. In addition, qualified customers receive up to 16 free energy-saving products installed at no cost such as.
We are recruiting volunteers to go door to door in West Asheville and help spread awareness about this program. If you are interested in helping out, sign up here.