August 22, 2022 | Posted In: Blog, Events, Newsletters
Community Council – Call for Nominations 2022
The Blue Horizons Project Community Council (BHPCC) is working to reach 100% renewable energy by 2042, to minimize the worst effects of climate change and to boost the local economy in Asheville and Buncombe County.
The Council is part technical advice and part community listening & engagement. The BHP is supported by an active committee of technical experts. To attain the 2042 goal, action will need to be taken across all of Asheville and Buncombe County. For the BHP Community Council to be successful, we need voices from all community members who use energy and will benefit from a cleaner and possibly cheaper energy future. We need your voice and your input to make sure all community members are represented in this planning and implementation process.
The plan to reach 100% renewables by 2042 will serve all community members, but we are especially concerned about including populations identified in the City of Asheville’s Climate Justice Map and Energy Burden Map. Using these resources, it is clear that low-income and historically red-lined communities will be impacted most severely by climate change and have the most to gain by a thoughtful and equitable transition to renewable energy.
We realize the importance of community feedback on the types of projects and programs to be implemented, how they will be implemented and who will benefit. Equity and inclusion are paramount to the process, to what is offered to the community, and how programs are delivered. We need your voice on the Council!
Diversity is a core value at the BHPCC and we strongly encourage all to apply. We seek to form a Council that reflects the diverse communities in Buncombe County. We especially encourage people who identify as Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, women, emerging leaders 18 and up, members of the LGBTQ+ community and those living with a disability to participate.
The ideal candidates will be:
- Committed to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion
- Well-connected, engaged community members in The City of Asheville and Buncombe County
- Strong communication skills
- Self-motivated
- Able to provide feedback and opinions appropriately in a group setting
- Demonstrate a commitment to collaboration and consensus-based decision making
Availability: Meetings are held in a hybrid format (i.e. in-person and video calls at the same time) and occur 3pm – 5pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Sub-committees meet at various times. If you want to try it out, before nominating yourself for the full Community Council, join a subcommittee meeting first by reaching out to Jamie Wine ([email protected]). Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis and will be considered at the BHPCC meeting following a new member nomination.
Benefits: Have a voice in shaping the future of Asheville and Buncombe County for decades to come. Gain experience networking with local business, political and advocacy leaders. A small stipend ($50 per meeting) for childcare or other expenses related to attending meetings or events for BHPCC may be provided on a case-by-case basis. Create direct connections and access to influence planning, energy, environmental, building code and other local policy decisions. Professional development in diversity, equity and inclusion as well as climate issues will be offered from time to time. Help create real and tangible positive change in the community.
Joining the Council: Nominations for members will be made by BHP Council members throughout the year. Elections of new members will take place each December during a Community Council meeting, or during a regular scheduled meeting. Voting shall be by the current members. All Community Council members may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. One year between successive terms beyond the initial two terms shall be required.
The Community Council will consist of up to 13 members to be selected from membership composition categories including:
- Affordable Housing Provider/Developer
- Business (large users, mid-size users, business associates, entrepreneurs)
- Commercial Developer
- Community Members At Large
- Government (staff, political leadership, citizen advisory board)
- Energy-Efficiency Professional (energy rater, HVAC expert)
- Large Employers
- Large Utility Users (plus rooftop owners)
- Multimodal and alternative fuel transportation
- Neighborhood/community associations
- Non-Profit/ Advocacy Organizations (LMI, Seniors, environmental, policy)
- Public Sector; leaders beyond City and County (schools, AB Tech, Airport, MSD, other municipalities)
- Renewable energy installer, industry representative
- Residential Developer
- Utility (local, technical, policy, program)
Diversity of expertise, background, gender, and race will be sought out and encouraged.
The Council currently includes 10 members, and seeks to add 3 new members for placement on the Council immediately, and an undetermined number of new members to replace members whose terms are ending December 31. Current members and partners are listed online. Feel free to reach out to current members for more details and background.
To apply: Send answers to the following questions in an email with a PDF attachment of your resume to [email protected]. Or, if you prefer, call Jamie Wine (he/him) at (206) 830-0015 with your questions, or instructions on how to join the Council by alternative means (i.e. an in-person meeting, or introductions to Council members).
What is your vision for how reaching 100% renewable energy goals in Buncombe County will affect your life and community?
In a committee setting, how do you interact with the group (e.g. in group projects or other groups you’ve been in, what role do you usually play)?
Are there ways that the BHPCC can adjust to help you and members from your community participate in a meaningful way? (e.g. provide a stipend, change the meeting time, change the format, etc.)
How committed are you to the values and principles of diversity, equity and inclusion?
Applications will be considered and accepted on a rolling basis, but please submit your application by November 1, 2022 for consideration to start your term January 1, 2023.