April 29, 2019 | Posted In: Newsletters
At a joint city/county press conference yesterday in Pritchard Park, the Energy Innovation Task Force announced that the natural gas peaker plant planned for 2023 has been all but avoided! Because of the work of the Energy Innovation Task Force and its members, Duke Energy has removed the proposal for a new peaker plant from its Integrated Resource Plan, which means there are no plans to construct a peaker plant in the next 15 years. This is a huge win, but the work of the Blue Horizons Project and EITF is far from over.
“The goal is to move our local energy systems away from fossil fuels and toward a cleaner, more affordable sources of energy and to use energy as efficiently as possible. We still face the threat of climate change, and people want Asheville and Buncombe County to be leaders in addressing it,” says EITF member and Asheville City Council member Julie Mayfield.
See more coverage and details below:
Video of Announcement at Pritchard Park
Buncombe County’s Announcement
Asheville Citizen-Times Article
WLOS Article
Mountain Xpress Article
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